According to the (ICMR-NCDIR) report, One out of nine people in India are at risk for developing cancer in their lifetime.
We recognized the need for Prioritizing mental health and proper Caregiving to the individuals with Cancer.
Hence, We Launched World’s first Center for Psycho-Oncology partnered with Texas School of mental Health as Cancer does not only affect the physical health but also has a debilitating impact on the person affected by it and on the near ones.
Psycho-Oncology is a remarkable field, a Mental Health Speciality field of Medicine that is associated with the individuals with cancer, family members & loved ones, caregivers, volunteers & medical professionals. Psycho -Oncology combines principles of psychology, psychiatry, oncology and supportive care and deals with psychological, behavioural, social and emotional aspects of cancer diagnosis, treatment and survivorship.
Our Psycho-oncology Counseling Services offer a range of therapies and interventions to support individuals with cancer, their families, caregivers, and medical professionals. These include:
Our dedicated team of highly expert professionals is committed to providing comprehensive support and personalized care to individuals affected by cancer.